
East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s homepage gives an a-z list of services otherwise click on the links below:

Job centre

To find your nearest job centre please go to the following website address: 

Litter Bin Emptying

Bins Rubbish and Recycling – includes fly tipping, bulky waste, business waste, clinical waste, asbestos and how to recycle waste.

Waste Recycling Sites 

Report a faulty street light 
Carnaby, Haisthorpe or Wilsthorpe

Roadworks report 
– find out the
latest roadworks in your area

Street and road maintenance
use the online service to access information and report faults eg potholes, footpath repairs, grass cutting requests, public toilets servicing requests.

Winter Services and Maintenance
access information on salting routes, grit bins, snow and ice clearance and report/request winter services,.

Street Cleansing
access services and report problems

Do it Online
report issues, pay for Council Services (eg Council Tax), apply for Council Services (eg Schools admissions, benefits, planning applications), book services/events, find information

Access Benefits advice

Access Funding advice

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